Friday, November 29, 2013

Fuck Christmas. Fuck Black Friday

This time of year can fuck off. I hate it even more this year. I don't have parents. I just have to play Santa for the little ones. I can't ruin their hopes and dreams like mine have been.

My family is gone... I am left with demons

Friday, November 22, 2013

Better late then never... Band Aid on a Bulletwound's 3 year Anniversary !!!

3 years ago I started this blog in hopes that it would be so I could get my artwork out there. It has mostly become a mental dump of what is rolling around in my brain: song lyrics that I feel are pertaining to my life, music videos,  shameless "selfies"/ photo documentation of random life events, cool imagery found on the Internet and barely my artwork.

I had high hopes... But I am not disappointed in the evolution.

The last 3 years of my life have been the most depressing 3 years I have had since I was a teenager.

Please don't go, I can't handle anymore abandonment. My life can't get much worse so here's to hoping that things will start getting better...

PS, I love you forever Dad. I miss you so much and it's only been 13 days...

50 years since the JFK Assasination

I am nothing, I have no one

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

3:25 am 11/9/13

I will always love you dad.

I had the honor to carry your body it is final earthly home.

You touched hundreds and hundreds  of people's hearts... I saw only a fraction, and that was overwhelming... You were an amazing man. Thank you for being the best father. 
I love that you are proud of me.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hospice Diary continued...

Today we told you that you don't have to hold on anymore. You did amazing things with this life and now you have to let your  tenacious lion heart go to heaven. 
We will take care of each other dad. We promised you that. 

You are the most amazing selfless human I will ever know. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hospice Diary

As you sleep, I see your peaceful face.
When you awake, I see your grateful smile.
The thoughts of the things I will miss about you bring tears.
But the beauty of the life you lived and the hearts you've touched will be rewarded with eternal happiness and joy.

I love you dad. Not too much longer until you are free.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My God what have we done to You?

We always try to share
The tenderest of care
Now look what we have put You through...

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

Angels with silver wings
Shouldn't know suffering
I wish I could take the pain for You

If God has a master plan
That only He understands
I hope it's Your eyes He's seeing through

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

I pray You learn to trust
Have faith in both of us
And keep room in Your heart for two

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle 
There was so little left to give

Monday, November 4, 2013

We were given another day with you...

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.