Saturday, March 30, 2013


Being the day before Easter, having it be a beautiful day of sunshine. Having my children close and safe enjoying it with me. After such emotional turmoil over the cold winter months. Makes me realize that everything is reincarnated, has another chance to be reborn... The Earth says it so, for each change of the season.
These are truly the times I cherish.

Even a morning like this can make the person that once felt so dark feel the love in the world again and have hope.

Silly poems from the Internet really ring true...

" I thank God he sent you to me,
For you and I were meant to be,
We have a bond too strong to break,We have a LOVE no one can take.

In you, I have found a love so true,
My heart is filled with LOVE for you,
Everytime I see you, my heart skips a beat, You make my life whole, you make my life complete.

My love for you grows more with each passing day, The though of your gorgeous face takes my breath away: Those brown eyes fill my soul with happiness. Those luscious lips I love to kiss..."

-Some lady on the Internet

Out of desperation one would say a prayer. May it be to who/whatever you believe in your heart that gives you hope in the darkest of times... You squeeze the last bit of hope out of your heart and send it away with a message. A message for someone to find you and be your fuel for the tiny little ember left where your heart once was...

I have been found. I will never be lost again.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy people have the ability to choose their own destinies. They don’t let others tell them how they should live their lives. Being in complete control of one’s own life brings positive feelings and a great sense of self-worth.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hell Hath No Fury than a WOMAN SCORNED!!!!!

A day off !!!

Cleaning out my life In more ways than one.

And yet again...

Great conversations with long time friends are the best.

It is not how you fall but it's how you pick yourself up...

Nothing but a great life from here on out.

Only you can let others hateful words hurt you.
Anyone who really loves you wouldn't ever hurt you to bring themselves up.

All cliche but these things are said for a reason... It's called the truth.

Oh the places you'll go

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

it doesnt matter what this post used to say...

What am I trying to do?
What am I trying to say?
I'm not trying to tell you anything
You didn't know when you woke up today

Friday, March 8, 2013

“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.”

“Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being.”
CAPRICORN horoscope for Mar, 08, 2013 (The DailyHoroscope by Comitic)
CAPRICORN Mar, 08, 2013
If you travel to another country and you join up with a tour group, you may see some very interesting things. Everything would be planned, and all of your fellow travelers would have the same experiences as you. It would be convenient and secure. But if you traveled to another country without a fixed itinerary, you would leave room for magic. You wouldn't have a guaranteed list of plans, but you would be able to explore and discover. A new opportunity does not come with a map. But you should embark on it if you're feeling adventurous.


Thursday, March 7, 2013


I am so grateful for those wonderful people I have met along the years.

Today a received an email from a great friend and previous coworker...

It's nice to know that people care and still think about you.

Especially when you are constantly being broken down and hurt... By those who are closest and say they " love you"
You build up the ones you love!
Not break them down.. Criticize and condemn...

Time and distance don't matter in your heart.
You don't need to see your true friends everyday to know they are there.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

CAPRICORN horoscope for Mar, 06, 2013 (The DailyHoroscope by Comitic)
CAPRICORN Mar, 06, 2013
Some of your goals involve attaining things you want. Some of your goals involve attaining things you need. Right now, Capricorn, the stars are aligning to provide the environment and the circumstances for you to have exceptionally good fortune in attaining just about anything you want or need. Your role in this pursuit is to approach it calmly and logically, but to listen to your intuition. Call on your angels. Call on friends with experience you can use. Listen to your heart too. And don't give up. Make the most of this auspicious time.


Don't let these fuckers grind you down
Don't let these bastards kill your soul
Bottom feeders in the worst way
A bunch of fucking turncoats
You gave them more than they ever gave back
And now everyone knows
Don't let these fuckers grind you down
Don't let these leeches suck you dry
You've got the heart of a lion

You've got the strength to survive
Time is their true punishment
They'll eat each other alive
Don't let them grind you down
Choke on all their lies
Wasted all their lives
Lowest of the low
Cowards so beneath you now
You've got the heart of a lion
Lyrics from

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Black angel, black angel as you grow up
I want you to drink from the plenty cup
My little black angel
My little black angel

My little black angel as years go by
I want you to fly with wings held high
I want you to live by the justice code
I want you to burn down freedom's road

My little black angel
My little black angel
My little black angel
My little black angel

Lie away lie away sleeping
Lie away safe in my arms
Your father your future protects you
Locks you safe from all harm
Little black angel I feel so glad
You'll never have things I never had
When out of men's hearts all hate is gone
It's better to die than forever live on

My little black angel...

You said you want it all but,

what you got,

you just talk, talk all you do is talk,

I see your supistitions,

running around in your mind,

And you talk, talk, all you do is talk.

You don't seem to listen.

You don't seem to know....

Things I love!

1. Random texts from friends you love that live far away....

It's good to know the people you think of from time to time think of you too :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I am happy

I have felt for months that being happy was this unattainable emotion. Through all of my recent struggles and having to come to terms with the truth about the way things have been for most of my life.
I have finally given the wish to be honestly gratefully happy. I'm glad for those who never left me and saw the person who I was on the inside despite my exterior emotions based on circumstance.
Thank you
I am finally reaching the life I have always dreamed of.
Never give up hope on your prayers.
They will be answered.
Faith is an amazing thing.
In your eyes....

Friday, March 1, 2013

Images of Heaven, that take me to Hell

Nothing is sacred
So, give me your soul
Nothing is wasted
On someone like you

Somebody killed me
And tore out my heart, my love
Somebody killed me
Because of you

And there's nothing I can do
The media made you
There's nothing I can do
'cause you don't exist
you don't exist

Just images of heaven
that take me to hell
Images of heaven
Of something to sell
Images of heaven
Images of heaven

Something possessed me
An image of you, my love

Video visions
That play on my mind

Nobody blessed me
With power to reach, my love

When you're an illusion
You can still be divine

And nobody believes
In this new religion
Yeah nobody believes
'cause nobody sees
nobody sees

Images of heaven
Take me to hell
Images of heaven
of something to sell
Images of heaven
Images of heaven

Images of heaven
Images of heaven

And there's nothing I can do
The camera made you
There's nothing I can do
'Cause you don't exist
You don't exist

Just images of heaven
that take me to hell
Images of heaven
Of something to sell
Images of heaven
Images of heaven