Well, it has been a minute since I have even logged in to this account.
I felt like since I have been stuck home since 3.13.2020 I should write about what has been going on.
We are all in self-isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
No gatherings of more than 5 people, places are closing left and right. Places to buy essential things are restricting hours of operation. There is no ammunition left and no guns to be purchased for home defense. Apparently toilet paper is one thing to run out, which I find moronic...
Not exactly what I have been hoping for as far as societal collapse.
Currently my career is in logistics and supply chain, which has been more or less my field of expertise for the last decade or so in one for or another. I have yet to lose my job or income and I have been able to work from home. They have closed the border to Canada for all non-essential travel.
I have found an increase of hysteria, panic and distrust among the general population...
As a person who has never followed the footsteps of the norm, this doesn't see too terrible for me. I do not mind being alone or in the house for long periods of time, I have plenty of things to do.
I worry for my family who did not take the right precautions when they started with the emergency alerts. I also do not want to get anyone sick.
What I have loved during this whole thing is the amount of communication I have had with all of my friends who I know across the globe. It has been so nice hearing from everyone and the general concern for each others well being and for our families.
I hope no one I love dies.
But with that being said, I would like to start dressing like a Road Warrior and or any character from Blade Runner... sooner than later.