17th Day.
I am not really sure what will happen. I do not think that this is going to end well. I feel like we are just waiting for it to explode and people start dying that are close to us.
Our parents.. AKA Boomers... Are still running rampant. My parent decides to stop over and demand attention in a typical narcissistic fashion. I have made them stay outdoors and sanitize after they leave. I have been called a bitch, paranoid and neurotic.
The indescribable amount of anxiety that comes over my body when I see a car pull into my driveway is ruining my quality of life. It resonates well into the following day.
I have one job, that is to keep everyone safe and healthy in my household.
As far as the rest of the world goes, everyone is fairing better than the United States. We have surpassed China in cases of the virus. Yeah, we have to "Win" at everything. Our shit-bag "president" is now withholding medical supplies to states that need it if their Governor " isn't nice to him"
Luckily and unluckily I live in New York. Our Governor has actually stepped up to the plate and is honest and proactive. However, the fate of NYC is uncertain.. I feel like that is going to be devastating.