Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Child of the Morning Star...Lucifer

Since the Hebrew word in this verse occurs only once in the whole Old Testament, it was perhaps easy for English translators to follow this interpretation of the Latin translators. Lucifer was the Latin name for the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star. The Liberty Annotated Study Bible confirmed that “the name Lucifer is actually the Latin designation for the morning star” (p. 1038). The 1968 Cassell’s New Latin Dictionary indicated that the Latin word “lucifer” comes from two root words meaning “light-bearing, light-bringing” and that it would be translated into English as “Lucifer, the morning star, the planet Venus.” According to the English-Latin section of this dictionary, the translation of “morning-star” in English is given as “lucifer” in Latin. The Oxford Latin Dictionary gave two definitions for lucifer: “light-bringing, light-bearing” and “the morning star” (p. 1045). The Oxford Dictionary of Word Histories affirmed that Lucifer is “a Latin word originally, meaning ’light-bringing, morning star” (p. 309). At its entry for day-star, John White listed “lucifer” as its meaning in Latin (Latin-English Dictionary, p. 100). For Lucifer, this definition is given: “the morning-star, the planet Venus” (p. 355).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

And more self decim8

I hate only being able to post a limited amount of photos at once.

Self Decim8

I'm sorry if this gets annoying. I really love this app and I have found a effect that just kept making the photo look cooler and cooler. So here's to a bunch of self taken photos!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One of the hardest days...

On Friday my uncle passed after his long battle with cancer. He was in remission for a awhile, then it had came back with a vengeance.
He was the reason that I got so into music. He owned a music store and I took Bass guitar lessons there.
He was kind and gentle. He never judged us kids during our wild punk rock stages growing up.
He had a garden, played the drums and loved food. Parties at their house were always so much fun.
Thank you Uncle Frankie.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I love getting mail!

Deafheaven were supposed to play a show in Rochester but,they had to cancel this part of the US for another tour. So my friend saw them on the last hike of this tour in Florida and got me a shirt!
Things these days are so digital and based on computers. There is nothing quite as awesome as receiving packages in the mail!!