Sunday, January 22, 2012

This is a great song and video.

This was on one of the Mixed CD's I had asked for, for my birthday. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

They Live, We sleep!

"They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realizing it. THEY LIVE."
It is strange that the story told in John Carpenters They Live is becoming truer and truer these days. Government censorship of the Internet, constant advertisement of everything. This is getting out of control...
I am about to say fuck it and move to the mountains.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The kinds of people I hate

1. Menopausal Women
2. Pregnant women
3. Twenty something men who love Dave Matthews Band
4. Old career driven moms with extremely young asshole children
5. Old men who are willing to give their opinions with no discretion.
6. All morbidly obese people with motorized vehicles and handicap stickers

Monday, January 9, 2012

This winter sucks

Either it is 50 degrees or it is 10 degrees. There has not been any snow. Germs are everywhere! Everyone ( including myself) has had the plague. I did however, find a black metal record I had been looking for a download for about a year!
My birthday is exactly one week from today. I have had this blog for over a year, which I didn't think would happen. And I am working on the final ideas for a new blog! More to come in the last days of my twenties!