Saturday, March 5, 2011

page four

Drawing from memory project continues with some little acorns and a some unique pine cones.
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page three.

I stopped with the characters, for a brief moment and came into an idea to draw things from memory only without reference. This is labeled ' axes & leaves'.
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page two.

This dude is an old timer as well, still doesn't have a name either. He was the first character of a series of angelic stuffed animals I started drawing.
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page one.

This lion has been my homie for over ten years. He's been featured in watercolor, marker and I have spray painted him a few times. He still however doesn't have a name.
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mini sketchbook series

I recently bought three small pocket sized sketchbooks. Hoping that I will fill one a month for three months. I will be posting the progress.
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

i need to make toys like this...

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good morning Long Beach!

Its pretty cloudy but morning on the west coast is something special
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Seeing a Banksy wheat paste in real life, and many other artists work in real life is inspiring!
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